Friday, August 12, 2011


Working on the unofficial album I made
 is one of my favorite things to do. And I should do it more often. I have folders and folders of things I keep from trips and life (newspaper cutouts, train tickets, museum guides, and all kinds of very random stuff). Somehow in this era of digital photography where you make the same pic 12 times, we have more "memories" but we tend not to print them as much as before. As back in the day when coming back from a vacation one of the first things I would look forward to was developing those pics. And it's not even so long ago. Maybe I am old fashioned and late in getting on new trends and technology, but in 2004 I still had a camera that used actual rolls of film. We just got our official wedding album, but the photographer left lots of blank space for us to fill. Problem is, before that I had already made my own album, complete with all kinds of little things that the boy just calls junk (magazine cutouts, a handkerchief my aunt gave me on the day, the pressed flower I had on my hair, a swatch from the dress that I got when I first chose it) and now, I don't have physical "scraps" of memories left to attach in this new album.

I am seriously considering on "ripping" apart our guestbook, cutting out the messages from people and pasting them in the space we have in the new album. I am not sure if that would be some sort of crime.It is a very nice notebook, the kind that is covered in cloth. But I like the idea, and anyway more than half of that book is blank. And emptiness makes me nervous. I am constantly thinking on what we should do to fill up all those blank spaces. I think I might be a bit crazy.


  1. I also like scrapbooking and I am currently crazy about making my own stationary with punches, ribbon, twine, etc.
    The only problem I see with cutting your guest notebook is that once it's done, there's no going back...what about photocopying the pages into some nice textured paper, ageing them with tea and pasting them into a scrapbook of your wedding as if they had been teared from the notebook (all the while keeping the notebook intact)...too much work?. not the style you're looking for?

  2. Yeah, that's a good idea. It is too pretty a notebook to cut it, and it was a gift as well, from my godfather during our civil wedding. Thanks for the input !

  3. I think Marcela's idea is great!
    I also love collecting things like tickets and little flowers to dry. (by the way, how annoying are those heat printed tickets? so disappointing to find all my cinema tickets turning black! technology sucks sometimes...)
    For our wedding we had little cards for people to leave us messages, instead of a usual guestbook. As we had substancial leftovers (and several people haven't written it) what we do is to give cards to people we invite in, for them to take home and write something back at us. So, our little messages box is getting more and more full. :)

  4. @ Ines, yeah, heat printed tickets that fade away over time. So sad.
    Your idea of guestbook is great, how exciting to receive messages every now and then !


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