Friday, August 5, 2011

The Ice-Cream World Tour: Barcelona (+ bonus, Buenos Aires)

Well, with the weekend coming, there is no better excuse than to go for a walk and get an ice-cream right? Actually, you don't need the weekend to go for ice-cream. So, our ice-cream shop this week is one of the best I've ever been too. Not only because their ice-cream is heaven, but because the staff is super friendly. It is a place owned by argentinians, and they will chat with you for a while. All their flavors are delicious. I specially like dark chocolate and mango. But I seriously recommend you go and try them all. And bonus, I just discovered they are also still in Argentina, so if you are there you can go as well. Since it's a family business I would risk to assume that over there is just as good as in Barcelona where I personally tried them. The place I am talking about is Heladeria Fratello. or Gelato Fratello as the sign says in Barcelona. Do click on the link, you can see the full list of flavors, by category and get a description of the ice-cream.

 Via google street view
In Barcelona they are located in Passeig Joan de Borbo 15. To get there, you can take the yellow metro line (L 4) to the stop "Barceloneta", from there you should walk on Passeig de Borbo which is the long wide street that follows the harbor and goes to the beach.Once in the area, you can go to the Barcelona Zoo, to the Chocolate Museum,to Ciutadella Parc.... ohhh how I miss it over there.
Via google maps
And bonus, bonus, just in case, their adresses in Buenos Aires are:

Medrano 1904 (esq. Mansilla)
Coronel Diaz 1521 (esq. Paraguay)
Cap. Federal, Barrio de Palermo


  1. Nooooo, una heladería argentina en Barcelona y me la perdí, buahhhhhh!!!!!
    Conoces Buenos Aires? Cuando vayas no te vas a querer ir porque los helados son EXQUISITOS. Y si alguna vez vas al sur de Italia, avisame porque en Lecce probé unos de los helados más ricos que comí en mi vida.

  2. Qué pasó con el post de ayer que desapareció?

  3. Holaa !! No, no conozco Buenos Aires, todavia (quiero ver ese barrio de las casas de colores), pero puse las direcciones ya que es la misma familia y quiensabe a lo mejor alguien puede ir. Que delicia, ya me antoje !

    Si quieres puedes hacer un post sobre los helados en Lecce :)

  4. Hola Amanda! El barrio porteño de las casitas de colores es La Boca, muy popular entre los turistas que visitan Buenos Aires. Fijate si en Barcelona tienen helado de Dulce de Leche y probalo: es magnifico y bien argentino! :)

  5. @ Hola Nat, que ganas de ir a conocer :) En Mexico tenemos un helado parecido, se llama cajeta que es una especie de dulce de leche, y si, es de mis favoritos :)

  6. Tenes que ir a Argentina porque tenes muuuuuchas variaciones de helados de dulce de leche! Dulce de leche granizado (con pedazos de chocolate negro), dulce de leche con brownies, dulce de leche con oreos, dulce de leche con banana, etc, etc,etc.
    La Boca es preciosa y el equipo de futbol del mismo nombre es el mejor del mundo ;)

  7. @Marcela, woow definitivamente tendremos que probar todo eso, que delicia ! Jaja claro, el Boca es famosisimo :)

  8. Como para que te de hambre:

  9. Uy Marcela, pero que delicias, nos tienes aqui babeando en la computadora. Y investigando en google donde podemos comprar alfajores (ya encontramos una tienda online en Alemania, pero igual y pruebo tu receta). Dice Mark que definitivamente vamos a ir, que lo puedo dejar ahi en la mañana, y luego lo pase a recoger mientras yo me voy de turisteo. Jaja , es un goloso!

  10. I used to live just 2 blocks from Coronel Diaz and Paraguay. And if it's the place I think it is (and I hope it isn't!)... I am so NOT impressed by it! If you're ever in Buenos Aires, check out Saverio. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better!! And in my personal opinion, the ice cream here is a lot better than in even Italy. And you HAVE to try sambayon... even though it sounds disgusting (eggs + sweet wine... yum!)

  11. @ Alice, yeah, argentinian ice cream is famous. And after all there are a lot of people of italian descent in Italy, and add to that that us latin americans make everything better (just a saying :) ).
    About that specific ice cream shop in Buenos Aires, like I said, I would not know, never been there. But the one in Barcelona is really nice.
    Now I want to go to Buenos Aires to try these places :)


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