Wednesday, January 9, 2013

#January Joy 9: Try a new exercise (or class)

 Oh sports. You and I are not good friends. I have always been so tall and clumsy that physical education was never my thing. The only time I ever enjoyed it was when we were training for track & field and athletism, because it turned out that my long legs were good for running fast and jumping high and far, yay. Not even basketball, a sport where the tallest people often excel, was for me. It's probably a sport for tall people with good hand-eye coordination. I always ended up being hit by the ball on the face, flabbergasted at my own slow reactions.

Last year I vowed to start running (I still have the pretty shoes), but I never did. Or maybe once, and I wouldn't be able to tell if that happened in 2012 or late 2011, so it does not count. Instead, the plan for this year (to keep things doable and fun) is to take salsa lessons together with the boy. I am not sure if it counts as exercise, but in my book it counts as *not sitting in front of a screen* so I'll give it a go and call it progress. I am the latin one in this relationship, but I am also the one who can't dance (see above: clumsiness). If you want video proof of it click here and scroll down. Once I was at a Cuban bar with friends and one of the owners / salsa professors asked me to dance. But he gave up quite fast, dictaminating: "you have no sense of rythm whatsoever". That's true, I don't.

 It's funny, when I first moved to Europe one of the things that annoyed me the most was that people would assume that just because I was Mexican I was some kind of amazing salsa master goddess. If anything, I would be able to pull a zapateado to the Jarabe Tapatío, Guadalajara or La Negra, because folkloric dancing is something that you are taught at school at some point or another.  Sure, in Mexico, there are people who like to dance salsa, and so they take lessons, same as in Europe. Maybe there are particular regions of Mexico, in the Atlantic and Caribbean coast where Salsa is popular, but the origins of salsa dancing are afro-cuban, so there is not really a direct connection with my country: it's not ours, it has been imported. It would always strike me a little bit offensive that people would just assume things. This goes in the same bag with people asking me if I had a donkey and saying things like, "Oh, it must be lovely to come from South America". It must be lovely indeed, but I wouldn't be able to tell cause I am as North-American as Canadians and Americans. Also, between North America, and South America, lays Central America (to which half of Mexico geographically forms part of, but politically, we remain part of North America). I think people just got their definitions wrong and what they mean to say when they say South America, is "everything south from the USA border", so to those people I say, the term you are looking for is: "Latin America".

Anyhow, I never liked this type of dancing, something about being too close to a stranger made me uncomfortable. I would only be able to dance like this with a boyfriend, good friends, or close members of my family (father, brother, uncles, cousins). With people I knew. But, the boy loves it. Both his parents are crazy about it, his dad would take vacations to Cuba just to dance. And his mom has a long collection of Salsa cd's and videos. Between that, and my previous contact with salsa through friends who are truly South American (Equatorian, Bolivian, Colombian), it started growing on me.  So we're taking lessons. I hope I will get better, wish us luck. Do you have any exercise plans for the year? Do you already take dancing lessons? Are you a pro at any sport?


  1. No bueno pues yo ni el ritmo, ni un paso, ni el zapateado y a parte de todo no me gusta bailar, por lo que tampoco pongo mucho esfuerzo. De niña me gustaban mucho mis clases de ballet, tanto que decía que de grande sería maestra de ballet... ajá sobre todo porque mi complexión no ayudaba en nada.

    El ejercicio tampoco ha sido nunca lo mío, soy poco constante con él, excepto por nadar que sí me gustaba mucho, y pretendo retomarlo. El futbol me encanta, pero cuando era niña no había muchos equipos... Y de ahí en fuera bueno mejor ya no sigo.

    Total que un mito más sobre ser "latina" desmentido por aquí.

    Suerte con las clases :)

    1. Jajajaa a mí si me gusta, nadamás no se me da, y encima soy torpe como yo sola. A mí el ballet también me fascinaba, lo malo que cuando nos mudamos del DF a Querétaro (tenía 7 años), lo tuve que dejar porque en Pueblétaro todavía no había una academia de danza bien montada.

      Sí, el futbol era divertido, también estuve en volleyball, pero para ser sincera estoy negada entodos los deportes que involucren balones de cualquier tipo.

      Gracias, ya les contaré, pero la verdad es que me entusiasma la idea.

  2. I am also an uncoordinated hater of sport, I find the gym and spin class about the only thing that I can manage. And the spin class is only because the lights are dim and nobody else can see me!!

    I tried a salsa dance class when I first moved back to Edinburgh as a way of meeting more people but only went once I was too embaressed as I really had no rythem.

    I'm back on the exercise this week but nothing exciting so far, just the usual gym routine. I know it will make me feel better but I'm struggling to get started again!! xox

    1. Oh I tried spinning for a year, but I did it so intensely that together with the bad eating habits that go with being away from home for the first time (hint pasta + ice cream + cereal), when I decided to abruptly stop I put on weight like never before (I am talking 10 kgs in a short time). I guess my metabolism changed and I forever stayed afraid of intense-exercising, fearing that effect would happen again.

      I really don't have rythm, but I hope I will be able to catch it.

      And yeah the gym is another option, but something tells me I wouldn't be very disciplined about it given I've never liked sports, it's not something I enjoy, at all. Give me a book and a cup of tea or send me to the kitchen and I am happy, but sports, for fun? Unknown concept to me.

  3. I would love to take dance classes with my husband but he would hate it. I danced a little when I was younger and I really miss it. My exercise these days is mainly walking the dog and yoga, although we do go indoor climbing together sometimes. I also have a secret ambition to learn to horse ride someday. I love to swim but find all of the hassle involved off putting.

    1. Oh I also have to try yoga sometime soon. Indoor climbing is so much fun, my brother is a climber (he has even put some climbing routes up in Peña de Bernal) and it really seems great.

      Horse-riding was always my dream too, I did it during High School for a semester or two, but it is just so expensive.

      And yeah, swimming is a hassle. And for some reason I've always been afraid of my back getting huge and musculous (yes because if I did it I'd be an olympic champion in no time).

  4. Uff no me hables de los prejuicios, que me ponian los pelos de punta! Cuando estaba de novia con un chico holandés y viajé a Amsterdan a verlo, sus amigos se mostraron "desilusionados de que yo no pareciera latinoamericana" y de que "no bailara salsa". El perejil de mi ex novio, por su parte, no tuvo mejor idea que expresar su desilución ante la desilución de sus amigos, y se ligó un "y yo qué culpa tengo que tus amigos sean ignorantes?" La relacion estaba destinada a durar poco jajaja
    Porque sí, yo soy sudamericana, pero no todos los paises sudamericanos bailan salsa! Yo en Argentina no había escuchado salsa nunca en mi vida! Y no, los Argentinos tampoco bailamos todos tango, de hecho en tango es musica de Buenos Aires, no del interior de donde soy yo, y tampoco es que se ande bailando en todos lados.
    En cuanto ejercicio,siempre fui un desastre salvo para hockey, crocket y todos los que implicaran mover una pelota con un palo (por alguna extraña razon me sale super bien), pero hace varios años descubrí dos pasiones y son las únicas con las que tengo constancia: 1)correr/caminar rápido, para lo que teníamos una cinta pero se rompió en agosto asi que ahora saldré a hacerlo en la calle hasta que podamos arreglarla. Me pongo el ipod y salgo a desconectar. Ahora estoy empezando a correr con el metodo de zest magazine, del libro running made easy, y es genial! 2) Yoga. Lo adoro. Nada me hace tan bien. Lo hago en casa, con los videos de las clases de Marianne Elliott, y es una garantía de empezar mejor el día.

    1. Jajaja, vaya, que mal lo del exnovio, pero mejor así :)
      Ah los prejuicios.... a todos nos molestan y sin embargo es fácil caer en la trampa.
      Debes tener buena coordinación ojo-mano.
      Ahora me has dejado curiosa con el método de Zest magazine, yo quisiera correr, y se ve que a mucha gente le sirve para desconectar. El punto es empezar, yo es que a la que lo intento me mareo, casi vomito, me da "dolor de caballo" y la verdad es que tampoco insisto más.
      El yoga lo tengo que intentar, es uno de los planes pero 1ro examen de holandés 2o licencia de conducir, y luego ya veo de las demás metas.

    2. Zest tiene un libro llamado "running made easy", pero basicamente el metodo lo tienes aqui:

    3. Cuando viaja mi marido (es argentino tambien) a otros paises latinoamericanos, siempre le hablan en ingles. Le fastidia tanto. Pobre argentinos. Nadie cree que son verdaderos latinoamericanos ;) Y sobre el ejercicio....a mi me encanta yoga tambien. Realmente cambio mi vida. No solo es el ejercicio. Tambien me enseno como relajarme. Y algunos aseguran que ayuda con la fertilidad. Yo no se pero estoy seguro que baja el nivel de estres y esto si seguramente ayuda! But... Running? Ahhhh. Never ever ever ever ever.

    4. Me imagino. También es verdad (que Marcela me corrija) que el fenómeno de mestizaje entre indígenas y europeos no sucedió de forma tan marcada en Argentina, por lo que los argentinos son descendientes *casi* directos de europeos. Pero puede ser que me equivoque.
      Eso sí, de que son latinoamericanos, no hay duda. Me acuerdo cuando estuve viajando en Bolivia me decían "gringa" (aunque mi cabello es bastante oscuro, y mis ojos son cafés casi negro) y sí, era fastidioso.
      Me han convencido, el yoga definitivamente lo voy a intentar.

    5. Alice: a mi me hablan en francés (será por lo petisa? jajaja)
      Amanda: Si hubo mestizaje, pero la sangre "se blanqueó"a proposito con una politica de inmigración europea iniciada en 1880 (de hecho la constitucion nacional dice que "la argentina favorece la inmigración europea"), en el que entraron muchos italianos (a quienes en argentina se les llama "gringos") y tambien muchos europeos del este: croatas, serbios, ukranianos, etc. Asimismo, hubo un proceso de negación consciente y sistemático dela raíz negra, al punto que la "raza negra"fue eliminada de los censos, como opcion, a partir de ese año tambien...con todo lo que esto implica en terminos de identidad cultural! Actualmente se está realizando un proceso de concientización acerca de esto tan terrible que ocurrió, en lo que se llama "la ruta del esclavo", auspiciado por UNESCO. Te dejo links:
      Una de las cosas más impresionantes que me ocurrió a mí, fue enterarme que la población esclava negra de Córdoba provenía, en gran medida, de territorio Baoulé, donde yo estuve en Costa de Marfil. Sentí que al vivir allí, cerré un ciclo, de alguna manera...

    6. Y los pobres indígenas fueron víctimas del genocidio conocido como "la campaña del desierto" (los de la patagonia)y, a los del norte, se los hacinó en reservas horrorosas, privándolos de tierra y derechos. Aún así, las poblaciones del Norte Argentino son mucho más evidentemente mestizas que aquellas donde se asentó más inmigración europea reciente(que son las que estaban cerca del puerto de Buenos Aires, porque Argentina favorecía la inmigración pero carecía de políticas que hicieran que los inmigrantes que llegaban se asentaran en aquellas areas que era necesario poblar, por lo que éstos se quedaban en las inmediaciones del puerto (Buenos Aires), o en lugares de tierras fertiles (Santa Fe, Entre Rios), o industrializados (Córdoba a partir de la decada del '40, cuando se instalaron todas las automotrices).

    7. Ah! Sobre la danza, me olvidaba, de chica hice ballet (lo odiaba, me aburría horrores y la profesora era una loca sacada de Black Swan), tap dancing y danzas españoles, que me encantaban y aún hoy toco las castañuelas. Me encanta bailar, pero a mi marido no lo convenzo ni a palos jajaja

    8. Wow, que fuerte todo lo que me cuentas de la constitución y las políticas. En México no nos quedamos atrás, también hubo ese tema de querer negar que hubo esclavitud, y la discriminación y maltrato contra los indígenas continua, tristemente hasta el día de hoy, de muchas formas.

      Que lindo lo de las castañuelas, a mí el tap dancing me daba miedo por esos zapatos con tacuelas (las loqueras que uno piensa cuando tiene 6 años).

  5. Actually everything south of the US border is Mexico in the (North)American mind. People have the hardest time comprehending when I say that what I miss most about the US is Mexican food. They really don't get how Argentina, being located in Mexican America and all, doesn't have any (decent) Mexican food.

    1. Hahahaha "Mexican America" I love it.
      And yeah I am right there with you missing the Mexican food.

    2. hahahahahahaha
      It's true, the first time I tried Mexican food (or so called mexican food, I can't say for sure) was in Europe, we don't have Mexican restaurants!

  6. Salsa lessons together are one of those things that Bunny and I keep saying we're going to do one day. I've never been much into it myself, but he's taken a class in the past and adored it and when we had the space he used to love putting on salsa music and getting me to dance around the living room with him. It's appealing in the sense that it's an activity to do together, and a healthy one at that.

    Here's hoping you and Mark have tons of fun at the dance classes and that you start feeling more comfortable with your rhythm! And rhythm can be learned, strangely. Practice helps. :)

    1. Yes, I love dancing in the living room, we also do it from time to time and it forces us to go (as opposed to relying fully on self discipline).

      Thanks ! And yes let's hope I'll get some rythm in me.

  7. I've been trying to find time for salsa lessons since high school! There's a place near where I live that has $2 salsa nights- they do a brief mini-lesson, and then set you loose to mingle and dance. Like you said, it was really uncomfortable being so close to a stranger (especially since I didn't know what I was doing and made an ass of myself!) but it was a lot of fun.

    Meanwhile, people and their funny geographic assumptions KILL me, haha.

    1. Those salsa nights sound like lots of fun ! Specially once you get past that awkward stage.

      And yeah, geographic assumptions... we're all guilty I'm sure I have some that I don't even realize.

  8. Yay, salsa!

    Like you, sports and I are not friends and never have been. I am always the biggest klutz. But dancing is another story. I love it! On the other hand, I think my hubby felt a bit like you do when we first started salsa. He is half Cuban, and of course people have all these assumptions about Cuban people being good dancers, especially at salsa. But he always maintained that he can't dance. Except that... now he actually can. He went through a steep learning curve in our salsa classes, and now he actually likes it!

    I think there is some tipping point that you have to work hard toward when it comes to dance. At first, it's just a bunch of uncoordinated movements and a lot of work, and it doesn't seem fun at all. But if you stick with it long enough (which may not be that long at all), at some point the movements begin to come together and the dance actually becomes enjoyable. I really hope you guys stick with it long enough for that to happen!

    1. Oh thanks for saying this, it motivates me to really really try hard.
      And it's great that your husband can dance now, and that he actually enjoys it.

  9. Esto es como en España, que todo el mundo de fuera piensa que todos sabemos bailar flamenco y sevillanas y la verdad es que en cada región hay un baile tipico, aunque no todos lo bailamos, besos

    1. Sí, exactamente, una amiga que es de Sevilla y todo se raya un montón porque ella no sabe bailar flamenco ni es uno de sus principales intereses. Prejuicios, prejuicios. Si al final todos somos personas y tan diferentes unos de otros como todas las tonalidades del arcoiris y las de entre medio. Saludos !

  10. oh I used to do a lot of Latin dance! Salsa, merengue, samba, zouk - I did them all and loved them. I actually used to teach zouk and a little samba as well :) Everyone can learn to dance IMO, if you can count and walk, you can learn to dance. Good luck, I hope you learn to like it!

    1. Oh that sounds like so much fun :) Thanks , and I think I will like it, I enjoy dancing with Mark (a lot) it's mostly strangers that intimidate me, but I'll get over it.

  11. Las clases de baile son buenas! Matt y yo tomamos clases antes de la boda, porque los dos somos medio torpes. Muchas veces salíamos enojados de la clase, porque él me pisaba todo el tiempo y viceversa jaja. Que se diviertan!

    1. Creo que va a ser divertido. Y seguro que acabaremos pisándonos. Que padre que tomaron clases antes de la boda, nosotros ensayamos en el salón jaja, pero la verdad no bailamos más que el vals, y de vals bailamos una canción de She & Him (el grupo de Zooey Deschanel)que se llama "I was made for you" y luego la de "My Girl" super 60eros nosotros jaja.


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