Tuesday, August 28, 2012

For the love of letters in the mail, cooking and sharing...

 One of the things that excites me the most (I am talking kids-before-Christmas kind of excitement) is sending and receiving letters in the post. So I was super happy to see Fiona's old-fashioned recipe swap invitation in her blog. You shouldn't miss her post from yesterday, on how a box of handwritten recipes from her grandma brought back memories and happiness. So I am inviting anyone who wants to participate to head over there and register so we can all share letters and recipes and handwritten envelopes delivered by the postman. I am so happy! Now deciding which recipe to share is gonna be quite the dilemma, but I have a few ideas.


  1. no hablo mucho ingles pero es que es que se ve taaaan delicioso0o0!!! muero :) jiji saludos, ya te sigo...


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