Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday morning...

I am home right now, taking a sip of my coffee with milk and enjoying the sun coming in from the window. Last Wednesday was my last day at work. The boy, who's got a sense of humour,  got me flowers with a card that reads: "Proficiat, gestopt met werken", something along the lines of "Congratulations, you stopped working". These cards are obviously meant for people on their retirement. Anyway, I am kind of happy because this situation gives me lots of time to think, to put things back in place. I needed a break from the constant rushing out of the house, from the commute at rush hours (2 hrs. 30 min in all), from being tired all-of-the-time, from feeling I wasn't really doing anything with my life by doing a job a robot could do (in fact, one of the reasons my contract was not renewed is that we are being replaced by computers). So here I am, figuring out what to do with my time. So far I've baked peanut butter cookies and I am quite proud of myself for finding a frying pan at half-price, since the one we had was umm.. not non-stick anymore (how domestic). I plan on reading, on letting all the stress go, on baking lots of new things, taking my time to cook and well, let's see what else I can come up with. Of course the obvious thing to do would be to volunteer at the local animal clinic, but I am not sure I want to work "for free", I always end up feeling undervalued, and like it leads to nothing, so if I do it, I am going to have to convince myself that it's worth it, so that I don't lose the motivation.  We'll also be going to Istanbul soon, so I am looking forward to that. I just feel so drained...


  1. Yay for leaving unfulfilling jobs! I have been unemployed myself for the past month (was laid off), and I am still trying to figure out how to set structure to my days. Mostly, I've just been catching up on things that have been left on the backburner for a while.

    Have fun filling your free time!

    1. Thanks :) And yeah, here they don't lay you off but they just don't continue your contract which is the same. And yeah, for this first days I have been taking it real easy, but structure will be needed at some point. And catching up too, for instance I am happy to finally be able to spend more time practicing my driving so that I can get the license (I had the mexican license, which is of no use here, and in the meantime I haven't driven in about 10 years, so that's one thing.
      Good luck and fun to you too !

  2. Pero que gustazo para las flores tiene el marido!
    Y él tiene razón. Felicidades por dejar de trabajar. Porque es mejor conseguir un poco de paz que sentirse inutil haciendo algo.
    Tiempo al tiempo, Amanda!
    Saludos y felicitaciones! ;)

    1. Si... las flores son super lindas ! Y Gracias !
      Ahora como tu dices, relajarse, y esperar, y siento que si necesitaba este tiempo.
      Espero que vaya todo muy bien por alla, ahora que hay tiempo, si tu puedes, hasta podriamos quedar por un cafe o algo asi, con Gaby ?

    2. Mi estimada Amanda,

      Me hubiera encantado el café con vos y con Gaby, pero al contrario de ti, yo ando aceptando todas las ofertas que se me cruzan por el camino. Tanto así que voy a empezar una campaña para adicionarle un 8vo. día a la semana. Si lo logro, podré disfrutar de un día de descanso! ;) jejejejeeje
      Sin embargo, anotame en tu agenda recien vaciada para el 7 de Octubre. Estaré por allá en la Haya porque es día de elecciones presidenciales en mi país. Así que podrémos organizar un almuerzo juntos, te parece?!


    3. Woow 8vo dia, super bien ! Anoto el 7 de Octubre y nos organizamos !

  3. I had totally missed this post. I'm very sorry you didn't get your contract renewed. It's nice to be out of the commute, of course, and I hope the free time will be good for your mental state, but I can imagine that it also sucks.

    Good luck with picking up driving!

    I'll make sure to pay attention to anyone talking about jobs you may be interested in. In the mean time, I understood from friends that some of the seminars by this university may be interesting to attend if you need some intellectual challenge:

    1. Hey thanks for the tips ! And yeah, those seminars are interesting, I used to go to some when I was doing an internship / volunteering in Utrecht.
      And yeah, I really have to keep myself busy, for the moment I am liking the calm but I feel I am going to need more at some point ,
      I am just so so tired of the whole applying and being rejected process that I also want a break from that...though if you do see / hear anything , I would be super thankful !

  4. Qué más me queda que decir, felicidades jaja


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