Friday, August 10, 2012

My latest baking adventures

 I think I've said it before. Baking is like therapy for me, it is the one thing that makes me completely put the stress-and-worry switch off and just enjoy the moment. My latest attempt was a dutch-style apple cake. For this, I used Deb's "Mom's apple cake" which is said to be a Jewish apple cake recipe. This makes sense, since "...jews seem to have lived in the province of Holland before 1593". 
 The recipe turned out perfect, the cake is moist  and juicy. I did add ginger and nutmeg instead of only cinammon. But, but... I did not have a ring pan, so the first time I made it I used my 22 cm. springform. The cake rose quite high, except, horror, in the middle. I was wondering what could have happened, what I did wrong, what had caused another sunken cake, but on closer inspection, after cutting it, I realized all the apple squares had gone to the center of the cake, making it heavier, so it was not really one of those dense disasters that sometimes mysteriously happen.
 I was determined to try it again, and succeed at this one. In order to do so,we finally decided to get a bundt pan. And this time the apples stayed evenly distributed and the cake went up up and super high. So close to perfection.
 Yet... the boy became so impatient that he kind of made me unmould it before time. And that is when the cake broke. I wanted to cry and throw the pieces around, it was just an ugly mountain of crumbs and pieces. Luckily it still tasted quite good and it was gone within 2 days. I was not quite ready to accept defeat with our brand new pan, so I tried another recipe that eluded me last time, pandan cake. And this time,  the cake came out perfectly of the pan, oh lovely green perfection.


  1. Qué rica se ve esa torta de manzana! Hace rato que tengo ganas de comprar uno de los moldes de bundt de nordic ware pero son caros y aqui no los venden...ya me haré con uno en algun viaje futuro!
    Aqui en casa hemos estado haciendo helados a diestra y siniestra porque compramos el accesorio de la KA (te lo suuuuper recomiendo!)

    1. Esta buenísima, y super fácil la receta, la tienes que intentar. Y si, ya vi esos moldes y estan preciosos, este fue comprado de emergencia. Que envidia helados ehchos en casa... yo el accesorio lo tengo en la mira, un día de estos :)

  2. Ooh, once again you've produced something eyewateringly tasty. I have had no time to bake, lately, but wish I had.

    Have you ever tried any speculaas, by the way? Or kruidnootjes? They're amon my favourites.

    Also: has your blog-url changed? Sometimes I see .nl, and sometimes, and Wordpress had missed your last few updates :S

    1. Ohh, this recipe was really super easy, and super fast (well it does need 1 hour and a half baking time, but the preparing itself is quite simple, and you can do other stuff while you wait). I really recommend it.
      And I love speculaas and kruidnootjes too, love those flavors.
      I did not change anything with the url, but I have noticed that sometimes it is .nl and sometimes something else... I am not sure if it depends from which country you log in or something.... oh blogger and technology.


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