This month for " La vuelta al mundo*", Jackie invited us to share something about us: "Who we are, what we dream, our work, unforgettable things, what makes you cry, whom we love". The only condition was to include a little explanatory text. So here we go...
*Remember, this group is open to anyone who wants to participate, you do not have to be a professional, just do your best and try to learn. There are people all over the world playing this game every month ! Come join! Here is a detailed explanation on how to start ! Also, do not forget to visit Casi en Serio for the chain of posts. Happy personal travelling around the world.
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I am a vet, and I love cows, they are such curious animals ! |
a. Una imagen de nuestra boda. / A snippet of our wedding.
b. Viajar me vuelve loca / I am crazy about travelling.
c. Colecciono recortes, fotos, envolturas recuerdos... / In this box I keep scraps, photos, souvenirs, memories....
d.. Julio Cortazar, una entrada gratis a un mundo mágico aqui mismo. / Julio Cortazar a free ticket to a magic world, right here.
e. Aprender idiomas siempre me resultó fáci,y útil !! / It was always easy (and useful) for me to learn new languages.
f. Desde que aprendí a leer siempre estoy buscando nuevas aventuras, historias, cuentos... / Ever since I learnt how to read I am always looking for new adventures, stories, fairy tales...
Me encanta encontrar nuevas recetas, hacer experimentos, descubrir nuevas combinaciones. Y el proceso de prepararlo todo, de ir viendo como los ingredientes se transforman en otra cosa me relaja. Lo mejor es cuando los otros lo prueban y les gusta !
Cooking is therapy for me. I love to find new recipes, experiment, discover combinations. The process of making everything ready, to see how the ingredients mix and transform into something else calms me down. The best part is when people love the things I cook.