Monday, June 10, 2013


We finally saw some cute,  baby water-chickens. Normally you spot them earlier, but with this year's weird spring, complete with snow, they took a while. We've had a few warm days (gone now) and these little fuzzies made me smile. And talking about eggs hatching, I am finally ready for the egg retrieval / follicle aspiration. As I write, I am being rushed to go. Wish me luck. How was your weekend?

Update: We have 19 eggs, everything seems to be going well, the embryologists must now be busy at the lab doing their magic. I have to drink 2 liters of water per day... not sure how I will manage.


  1. So excited for you! I really enjoy reading your updates :)

    Water-chickens!!! hahahaha... That's hilarious. I'm visiting a friend in Tennessee right now and to get to her house we drive through my university. There's a pond with a bunch of ducks (so we call it the "Duck Pond", lol... original!). I always looked forward to seeing the ducklings but I haven't seen any this time around :(

    1. Thanks, we are crossing our fingers, hoping and praying,.

      They are really called water-chickens (pollas de agua), I think the latin name is Gallinula. The ducklings are super cute, so fluffy and soft.

  2. This is very exciting! Have you seen the Pinterest tip about marking the times on the bottle that you need to drink a certain percentage of water by? It's handy for making sure you drink steadily throughout the day.

    1. I haven't seen it but I will look for it... I have a cute 500 ml bottle, so I know I have to drink at least 4 of those.

  3. 19!!!!! 19! 19! That is a TON, girl!! Love the juxtaposition of your eggs with the hatchlings picture. Good luck!

    1. Thanks so much, we need all the luck we can get. And yup, I think even at the clinic they were impressed at the number of eggs.

  4. Ahhh so cute! And GOOD LUCK! Am sending lots of wishes for you :) x

    1. Thanks so much Laura :) And they are indeed super cute!

  5. Oehw how exciting! een tip voor het water drinken. Zet een grote pot van je favoriete thee en zet die naast je neer zodat je iedere keer een kopje inschenkt. Dan kom je wel aan die 2 liter :)


    1. Dank je wel voor de tip :) Ik doe nu een beetje dezelfde met een mooie water fles (ik moet 4 flessen drinken).

  6. Qué bien Amanda! Qué emocion que todo esté saliendo bien. Mucha suerte :)

    Y qué lindas las gallinitas! Justo he estado buscando el nombre porque las vi aquí por primera vez, y como no teníamos ni idea, Matt y yo les hemos estado diciendo chicken-ducks.

    1. Mil gracias :) Esperemos que continue bien, de los 19 folículos que extrajeron, había 19 óvulos, pero sólo 13 maduros propiamente y hubo 7 fertilizaciones. El Jueves (mañana) es la transferencia. Estamos muy positivos.

      Se que el nombre en latin es gallinula, y en España les decían pollas de agua... creo que el nombre común al menos en algunos lugares es water-chicken. En holandés es meerkut, aquí son muy comunes hay por todas partes.


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