Sunday, June 24, 2012

We like our food green

 I have been looking for different recipes here and there because we always seem to be eating the same things over and over again. So, since we had a broccoli in the fridge, I decided to try these fritters from Smitten kitchen. They were really easy, healthy, delicious and they turned out perfect if I do say so myself.
 In other news, the other day in the Asian supermarket I was able to find Pandan pasta/essence. (It is the same stuff that made this cake so fantastically green).  I was so happy, because that meant I could make these pandan coconut sandwich cookies, that are more like a buttery shortbread with a sweet coconut filling. Rasberri cupcakes is my new favorite baking blog, I find the photos beautiful, the recipes fun, and Steph, the writer is an Australian-Malay girl making the magic from her own kitchen. What I love the most is the honesty with which she tell us about her experiments, making the reader feel that you too can try and it's ok, if something does not come out quite right. So, what better thing to do than bake cookies on a Sunday morning?
I think I want a better camera... no matter how hard I tried I could not manage to capture the real "greenness" of these.


  1. Ohhhh... eso de brocoli se ve de un rico!
    Me encanta el brocoli. Cocido en una sarten con mantequilla queda fabuloso. Lo malo es que al marido le gusta bien cocido, y a mi mas crudito. La solución? Pico pedazos grandes y pequeños para que los pequeños se cocinen más que los grandes. Así me sirvo yo los grandes, y le doy los bien cocidos al marido! (Las que uno se inventa no más pa' complacerlos, ah?)
    Las galletitas esas... me dan curiosidad! Y más si llevan coco! mmmmm!

    Saludos, guapa!

    1. Jajaja que chistoso, tu tactica y estrategia. A mi tambien me gusta mas crujiente. Y estan faciles las galletas, lo unico es que la masa se debe quedar una noche (o minimo 3 horas) en el refri porque lleva mucha mantequilla, y de hecho para moldearla lo hice siempre con el film plastico. Las "tortitas" de broccoli tambien estaban buenisimas !

  2. I keep trying to comment but it won't let me. :(

  3. oh wait! there it worked! I saw those fritters too!! And they are on my short list to make! They look SO good.

    1. They ARE good.. you should absolutely try them. And... it is so weird that commenting thing with blogger, sometimes it happens to some people and I have no idea why or how to fix it !

  4. N'aww I miss the days of veg fritters! But I don't think they'd be the same with soy flour or coconut flour! I have a setting on my little camera called "vivid" or I'd play with it in Photoshop? Or picasa is pretty good (& free) x

    1. Mmm but coconut flour must be delicious ... I will try those , thanks for the tip :)


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