Monday, March 26, 2012

Giraffes in town

 Sunday was a sunny day, and we decided to go search for yellow. We followed the "bollenstreek route" or route of the bulbs, which takes you through fields of tulips that are now starting to bloom. Somewhere along the way we ended up in Noordwijk, and I almost fainted when I saw Giraffes, yes Giraffes, in the middle of a garden. Turns out we were in Lindenhof, a mansion from the 17th Century which was the first Latin School of Noordwijk, then a notary house and then an external clinic for the Hospital. It was also the birthplace of Henriette Roland Holst* a writer and socialist who:
"...suffered from depression, bouts of anorexia, anemia and heart disease but when she was fine she struggled with an unrelenting zeal to improve the position of workers, youth and women."**
and isn't that inspiring? 
But most of all, I was running, jumping, excited like the 5 year old that I am to find such an amazing garden !
**And yes I learnt all of that in an informative plate, but it was a good dutch exercise don't you think?
And if you want to visit the address is  Lindenplein 1, in Noordwijk,


  1. Que lindas!!! Todo un hallazgo en medio de la ciudad!! Encontraste yellow? Ya florecieron los tulipanes?

    1. Si, estaba que saltaba de la emoción, muy lindo el parque. Si que encontramos algo de amarillo, pero estamos editando las fotos, bueno, el contraste. Y si, hay algunos tulipanes que ya van saliendo, en las florerías se encuentran y muchos narcisos. Pero llega un punto, un poco mas tarde, en que vas por la carretera y se ven los campos de colores, es muy bonito.

  2. Love the giraffes. Oh to have a big enough garden to nonchalantly add three iron giraffes!

    1. Yeah, wouldn't it be nice ? They are so happy and impressive in a let's not care about anything and be happy kind of way !


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