Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Anxiety ball

 Do you ever have days that you feel restless, stressed, nervous for no apparent reason? It is one of those days and I can't quite put my finger on what's making me feel this way. Sure, we have an appointment with the doctor in 2 hours, but I thought I was quite relaxed for that. What I know is that I want to punch things. I just told the boy that maybe a boxing pear wouldn't be such a bad idea. Pillows won't do the trick. I am not angry or anything, I just... feel this build up of emotions boiling inside me and it drives me crazy. Just a bit. I just had some tea and fruit cake (recipe coming soon) that I made (late for Christmas)on the first day of the year because I woke up in baking mood.
 You know how they say that the period between Thanksgiving and the Holidays is engagement season? Well turns out it's true. We are already planning little sis' wedding for real soon, but now my brother and his lovely girlfriend are engaged and I am so so happy. New sister yay !  And because we are in nonsense random rambling mode today, why don't I show you the little boots I found for my sister while we're at it? Aren't they cute?
 She found them online on a dutch website, and send me to get them. I couldn't do otherwise. I hope you have a great day, maybe a calm one at that, because this is not the best feeling.


  1. Totally get that feeling sometimes, the poor OH normally gets the brunt of it. Hope you feel calmer soon (and that the doctors appointment goes well). Michelle

  2. Good luck with the doctor's appointment. I lived with that feeling all 2011, which is why I am happy that we are in 2012 :)

  3. @ iripple, Thanks.... I feel, a bit better, though I am a professional at making myself stressed.

    @ Marcela, wow really, the whole year? I still feel a bit angsty, but I hope it will go away soon, otherwise I will do something about it, like yoga. But I should be able to control my emotions...

    To both, As for the Dr appointment, first of all, thanks for your concern :) And well, everything is OK internally, I only have spots of endometriosis in the bladder and the back of my uterus but it is not important and will not get treatment for that. Since we are young, we were told to keep trying for one more year, and then if it still does not work we would start with IUI (intrauterine insemination) but hopefully it won't be necessary. They did tell us that 24% of couples in our "statistic group" were able to conceive within 1 year, so I am not sure if that is good or bad, since that also means that 75 % were unable to. But let's hope for the best. I am trying so hard to stop thinking about numbers, spent the whole day trying to figure out what that made our chances per month, but it does not work like that and it definitely won't help my crazy little mind (or the rest).

  4. Si, todo el año...eso me pasa generalmente cuando sé que se acerca el fin de una etapa, un cambio grande que aun no se a donde me lleva. En 2011 ademas tenia muchas responsabilidades, nada de tiempo para dedicarme a pensar, a relajarme. Hice yoga y me ayudó, pero igual terminé con una luxación de mandíbula terrible...en fin, ya pasó.
    Vos, tranquila! Te han dicho que todo lo físico está bien, asi que a divertirse! No te traumatices con estadisticas, no sirven para nada, Mark y vos son un universo en si mismos y lo importante es que disfruten de esta busqueda, de este momento. Un consejo: ahorren ahora para un viaje largo (Thailandia? China? India? ) o para la KitchenAid (40 euros por mes: en un año la compras!) o para esas cosas que una vez que el bebé llegue no va a ser posible distraer del presupuesto. Esto les dará algo en qué entretenerse y algo lindo en que ocupar mente y tiempo mientras el bebé llega y asi favorecerá a que el bebé llegue antes!
    Si te interesan los cursos de yoga online te SUPER recomiendo los de Marianne Elliott http://marianne-elliott.com/yoga/
    Y tambien te recomiendo un curso que estoy haciendo ahora: Unravelling, con Susannah Conway http://www.susannahconway.com/e-courses/unravelling/
    Susannah tambien tiene un curso de fotografía, llamado photo meditations, en el que pienso inscribirme en febrero: http://www.susannahconway.com/e-courses/photo-meditations/
    Creo que ambos te harian muy bien.

    Un abrazo enorme!

  5. Amanda,

    entiendo perfecto la sensación, justo ahora a una semana de regresar a Madrid y bueno ya te imaginarás. Pero tranquila igual y te mando un correo, tengo algunas ideas en la cabeza y es que mi maestría en salud reproductiva me da algunas otras a parte de las muy personales. Pero como te dijo Marcela y con toda la razón lo primero es que lo disfruten mucho y que se tranquilicen la mayoría, como dices tarda poco más de un año, pero sobretodo para cuando uno menos se lo espera cuando más tranquil y a gusto se está. Abrazos


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