Sunday, May 4, 2014

#1day12pics: a walk in The Hague

 Yesterday was one of those glorious sunny days that make Spring so wonderful. I know, I know, I sound like a broken record. But really, it was special. We had a couple of friends and their 18-month old little boy visit us and afterwards we went for a walk in the city, taking advantage of the weather and the kermis* or fair. Always so much magic and fun: the street food, the games, tje candy, the kid  running around. I documented the day and linked up with Michelle from MY Creative (she of the Eat&Snap photowalks, remember Paris?) for this month's #1day12pics challenge. Here's a glimpse of our Saturday.  Click here to see the photos individually. How's your weekend going?

* I love that the word Kermesse actually comes from the Dutch Kermis.

"The term is derived from 'kerk' (church) and 'mis' (mass.) The word became borrowed in English and French, originally denoting the mass said on the anniversary of the foundation of a church (or the parish) and in honour of the patron. Such celebrations were regularly held in the Low Countries and also in northern France, and were accompanied by feasting, dancing and sports of all kinds.Arguably the first kermesse was an annual parade to mark the events of 1370 (some sources say 1369) in Brussels, when all the Jewish population of the city were burnt alive after being accused of profaning a basket of communion hosts, which were said to have bled when stabbed. According to one source, those Jewish residents who could prove that they did not profane the hosts were not killed, but were merely banished from Brussels These festivities still survive in the form of funfairs, while the old allegorical representations are now uncommon. Whereas nearly every village has a kermis once or twice a year, the large Zuidfoor or Foire du Midi (South Fair) of Brussels and Sinksenfoor (Whitsun Fair) of Antwerp attract many visitors during several weeks"


  1. Lindoooo, debe ser un lugar precioso para conocer!.
    feliz comienzo de semana
    Un saludito

  2. Lindoooo, debe ser un lugar precioso para conocer!.
    feliz comienzo de semana
    Un saludito


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