Inspired by Michelle's ideas on closet organization, and after a long chat with Marcela I decided it was time to tackle the mess I had growing and flowing inside my closet. I have a million summer dresses (it might be my one fashion addiction. We can well be in the middle of the winter, all I want to get is more dresses). I have so many that they didn't fit, or so I thought. There they were, crammed and folded over each other, sometimes several in one hanger. In time for the Chinese New Year's spring cleaning I went to get some hangers and made sure every item of clothing was hanging in an orderly and attractive way. I also went all out and organized it by color.
If you take a look you can now see reds / oranges together, beiges / pinks in another section, greens / blues in the middle and (a few) darker colors. I also took this bag down from storage where I had all my scarves and purses and with the aid of this hanger from the Swedish warehouse (thanks for the tip Marcela), I have them now easily accesible and organized.
The Chinese tradition tells us that on the days immediately before the New Year (this year on February 10):
<< Chinese families give their home a thorough cleaning. There is a Cantonese saying "Wash away the dirt on ninyabaat" (年廿八,洗邋遢), but the practice is not restricted to nin'ya'baat (年廿八, the 28th day of month 12). It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck. Brooms and dust pans are put away on the first day so that the newly arrived good luck cannot be swept away. Some people give their homes, doors and window-frames a new coat of red paint; decorators and paper-hangers do a year-end rush of business prior to Chinese New Year. Homes are often decorated with paper cutouts of Chinese auspicious phrases and couplets. Purchasing new clothing, shoes, and receiving a hair-cut also symbolize a fresh start. >>*
Coincidentally, I just decided to finally let go of 3 pairs of old boots and shoes, all completely worn out, and with holes in the soles (because I don't know how to walk), that I still loved dearly. And because I was left without "everyday" shoes I ordered a pair of Kickers, on sale too. I'll show them to you as soon as they arrive.
If you want to celebrate the Chinese New Year I can only recommend the lovely table decorations and easy to make treats suggested by our very own Celebration Girl.
* Source.
Nice! Maybe this will help me get my rear in gear and clean this weekend! I need all the luck I can get! ;)
ReplyDeleteYes I'm right there with you, getting luck from all the places. Just remember, no sweeping or touching the brooms on Sunday, you might sweep your luck away and you don't want that. If you clean, do it on Saturday !
DeleteUgh, I need to have a massive clear out of my wardrobe. I have too many clothes I don't wear any more. A little spring cleaning is most certainly needed. Well done you. I also wear shoes to death. I hate it when a long cherished pair finally gives up the ghost.
ReplyDeleteUmmm... well if you do it now it might bring good luck... and sweep away the bad from last year. I will try anything as you'll see.
DeleteAnd yes, you have to say bye to shoes once they are such a part of you.
Definitivamente yo necesitaría hablar con Marcela, ja, ja, regresamos a lo mismo NO SÉ DESHACERME DE LA ROPA.
ReplyDeleteSe ve súper organizadito todo, los ganchos circulares súper idea, me encantan. Y... yo tampoco sé caminar, me pasa lo mismo, y mis zapatos duran la mitad de lo que debería.
Así que trataré de seguir el ejemplo, aunque no prometo nada...
Jajaja, si lo sé, a mí la verdad es que Mark no sólo me obliga, sino que me presiona hasta que finalmente lo hago. Y esos ganchos circulares son lo mejor. También sirven para cinturones.
DeleteA ver si aprendemos a caminar...
Die Ikea hanger heb ik ook voor mijn sjaals, erg handig! Je zou ze eventueel ook kunnen gebruiken voor je riemen (als je er veel hebt). Ik heb mijn kleding niet op kleur hangen, maar op soort kledingstuk. Broeken bij elkaar, rokken, jurkjes, vesten, truien, topjes... Vind ik zelf net even wat praktischer! Maar op kleur gesorteerd ziet er natuurlijk wel leuker uit. :)
ReplyDeleteOh wat een goed idee, om de hanger te gebruiken voor riemen. Je hebt gelijk ophangen op soort kledingstuk is praktischer. (Maar ik wilde graag een regenboog in mijn kast).
DeleteYour closet looks beautiful and has me dreaming of reorganizing my own. Which sometimes feels like a fruitless task because inevitably the next week it's all in shambles again. The scarf hanger is brilliant!
ReplyDeleteThanks ! And I know, I am so messy it will probably become crammed again, but I'll try to keep it tidy. And yeah, I loved the scarf hanger :)
Deletejajaja ahora que leo todo, me doy cuenta de que realmente caminas jaja pobres zapatos, aproposito yo tambien soy loca por ese color de zapatos me parece que van bien con todos los colores.
ReplyDeleteSí, los zapatos marrón / café / caoba en verdad combinan con todo. Y sí, caminamos mucho, pero además, arrastró los pies, lo que no es nada bueno porque me acabo el talón y la suela termina desgastada y perforada!