
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

So I guess that makes me a working mom.

Yesterday was my first day at a new job.  This time it was completely unexpected, as in, I wasn't even actively looking for a job. 4 years ago, when I was doing everything to find something remotely related to my area I handed in my CV to all the work agencies I could, and I put it up in the major databases. Nothing ever came out of that.

And then, out of the blue, I was contacted by one of these agencies, telling me there was a position that was very suited to my profile and that the company was very interested in me. I was interviewed once, then a second, and a third and a fourth time. It all went very smoothly. I really liked the feeling I got, the team, the management, the idea of being helpful to society (and to animals, at the end of the spectrum). Then I got offered the job and we had to think long and hard.

It was so difficult.

This time with Yulia, these almost 16 months with her have been precious. I love watching her grow, develop, change and evolve and become her own person. She discovers new things every day and learns new tricks all the time. We've done so much together: playgroups, library visits, walks to the park and to the beach; swimming and music classes, museums, playdates. I am going to miss her so much.

I wish I could stay with her for longer.

Then again, the job search has been so, so hard. And the gap in my CV keeps growing. With a lot of faith we decided to take the plunge, to try it, to think of this as an investment. As much as I would like to be with her now, as much as I have loved taking care of her, there will be a point when she will go to school and I am not sure if an opportunity like this will come back then.

In my heart, I know she will be fine. She is a friendly, social kid, she enjoys being with other kids. And I am in love with her daycare: they promote and follow each child's explorations, they grow and cook their own warm meals each day, it is a very calm, peaceful and happy environment.

I cried so much. I cried when I got the offer (sad and happy tears at the same time), I cried myself to sleep once I had accepted, wondering if we had made the right decision, I cried yesterday, when I said goodbye and left for the day. (She didn't, but if this is going to be hard for someone, I prefer it's harder on me).

Maybe it is too early to say, but it feels good. It feels good to be using my studies, it feels good to be out in the world again, it feels good to come back to our family at the end of the day.


  1. felicidades amanda!!!! te lo merecias. LLorar no es malo al contrario, piensa cuanto tiempo y cuantas cosas viviste y que ahora viviras de una manera distinta.
    un abrazo

  2. I think it's better to happen this way because you got to enjoy your time with Yulia without knowing the clock was ticking to go back to work. I've been agonizing for months! Does this new job change your plans for baby #2?

    1. Good point! The plans for baby 2 do not change...specially as it is so much of the whole process that is not plann-able (is that even a word?). But the wish and hope is definitely out there in the universe.

  3. Congratulations!

    I can't wait to go back to work but it looks like Baby Tide will be 2 before I do. Despite my excitement to get back to work, I know I'll find it hard to say goodbye to my baby boy. I'm not a natural mother, and I don't enjoy a lot of what motherhood entails, but I do love spending time with him.

    Chances are, you'll be a better mother for spending time doing what you love anyway.

    1. Yeah, it is so difficult and there are so many mixed feelings arouns. d it, regardless of how hard some days can be, taking care of little humans with their own frustrations and hard day

  4. Congratulations!!! That is so wonderful. It must be right, the way it came to you, without searching. Going back to work has been wonderful for my personal and professional identity. I hope it's just as great for you :)

    1. Thanks ! And yes, it definitely felt like a sign. I loved reading your post about working / your identity / how you have been feeling.

  5. Congratulations! These are exciting news. Everything comes at just the right moment. May this be a blessing to you all. Can't wait to hear all about the new job :)


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