
Monday, October 27, 2014

The busiest weekend at Engaged

We made it. I haven't been writing over here as much as I have been wanting to because the last couple of weeks have been hectic, with the preparations for the wedding fair,  with birthdays of friends and our everyday walks, with normal life that doesn't stop, cooking, doing the laundry, reading... and yeah, trying to get some rest as well.

As our first time at a wedding fair we were quite nervous and excited. We didn't know what to expect, we wanted to show that we are professional, and we were looking forward to meeting other people in the industry, as well as potential customers.

It was really, really a good experience (we did end up collapsed in bed on Sunday, and on Saturday as well, baking batch after batch of the lemon-raspberry and chocolate fudge cake bites that we offered in our stand). We met lots of other like-minded small companies with great ideas, wedding planners, stylists, bloggers and couples.

We made a few naive, rooky mistakes that luckily we were able to save at the last moment. The instructions for the fair clearly stated NOT to hang anything from the walls. Then, I got assigned an island stand in the middle of the fair, in front of the main entrance, and we thought:  "well, that solves the issue, if there is no wall behind us, no need to worry about that".

 Well, when we arrived on Saturday morning for the big setup we realized a). that we were right in front of a black, tall pole, part of the structure of the building and b). that everyone had set up all kinds of backdrops made, for example, of ribbons, old doors, lace curtains, cork boards, wooden stairs...

Luckily for us, that day we were meeting one of the boy's best friends, who happens to be a very creative engineer and is also very much into design and we were able to came up with a simple but pretty ( I think) solution.

I am really happy we participated and I hope it will give us exposure and hopefully some of the couples will decide to have their wedding cake  made by us.



  1. Felicidades, Amanda!
    Seguro este será el principio de muchos otros eventos... y tu sabes que significa eso, no? Conocer gente, que sepan lo que haces, hacerte un nombre y los clientes te llamarán solos ;)

    1. Muchas gracias! Y esperemos que así sea! Por lo pronto sí que pude hacer varios contactos que esperemos sean fructíferos!

  2. That blue stained glass one is absolutely breath-taking!!! I can't stop looking at it! Congrats, both you and the stand look amazing =)

    1. Thank yo so much! I learnt how to make the stained-glass cake at a class, you should look for the cakes made by Vinism Sugar Art, his cakes are very, very detailed, he really is an artist.

  3. suoer amanda felicidades!!!! me encanta tu proyecto. Espero que todo saliera bien tus pasteles son muy lindo y originales me encantan!.
    Un saludo

    1. Gracias! Pues sí, fue una muy buena experiencia ! Y espero que este año que entra más gente nos conozca, me encantaría hacer un pastel de bodas!

  4. It looks like so much fun. I used to work wedding fairs for a friend who was a wedding planner. I'd just oversee the attendees so I don't know much about the set up, but I loved the smaller fairs with local businesses the best.

    1. Yes, I loved the small-business and handcrafted vibe of this fair. Everything was done with such care. It was a fun and hectic day!


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