
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Finding her baby crib in Ghent

Thanks for the cute lovey Anna

 When we were looking for bits and pieces to decorate Yu's nursery we pretty quickly realized that we were not going to go for ready-made baby room combinations. We found they were a). crazy expensive and b). pretty boring (the options were white, gray, black and variations of wood). As you can probably imagine we wanted some colour in her life. However, colourful items are tend to be called "design" and priced accordingly.

We of course looked at the Swedish place. Our backup option was the STUVA crib which at least had pretty green cabinets, bonus points for extra storage room and the ability to turn into a toddler bed, but at €167 it was still quite pricey.

Then, as we were walking the streets of Ghent (we spent a couple of hours there, back in October, on our way back from Paris), we found the cutest little baby shop: Monsters with an attitude. That's where we saw a pretty red crib. We took a photo, to keep it in mind, though at €295 it was still out of our desired budget. It was from the Bopita mix & match series.

 And then Mark did what all Dutch people do when they are looking for a bargain: he turned to Marktplaats. Voilà, magic. With a quick search he found the crib of our dreams, in red or light blue, NEW, at a fourth of its selling price because a shop in Utrecht was having an end-of-line sale. So we went and after looking at it in person, we ordered it at the moment. We are so happy with its lovely light aqua blue, we can not wait for her to start sleeping there and we hope she will like it.


  1. So nice that shopping around meant you had have exactly what you want without breaking the bank. She's one lucky girl - it looks like a lovely place to sleep.

    1. Thanks! We were so happy to find it, it is hard to find furniture in bright colors, but you would expect it would be different for kids' rooms. The stuff is there but you have to look around, we would have painted it ourselves, but we were not sure it was safe and we read stories of children licking their cribs. Another idea was to decorate with colored tapes.

  2. What a lovely crib! Also, I love that quilt! Was that homemade or did you buy it somewhere?

    1. Thanks! My mome made it, I think she downloaded the pattern for the flamingo application somewhere.

  3. Que linda cunita y cobija, no imagino lo feliz que debes estar con todo lo del bebe (yo estaria igual) pongo a mi mama hacer cosas lindas como esas jiji.
    Un saludoooo

    1. Muchas gracias! Estamos muy muy contentos! Y sí, a mi mamá le encanta hacer cosas, y la verdad preparó ocho mil cositas lindas con mucho cariño y trabajo para Yu. Muchos saludos!

  4. Interesting place to go shopping. There will always be a story attached to that.


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