
Monday, June 17, 2013

Feels like summer

It's warm outside. Really warm. It is always so unexpected, when the sun decides to shine, it almost feels like it's a different country. People are happier, suddenly all the cafés burst alive with open terraces and children play outside. And when its warm my brain is tricked into believing it is going to last forever, the bright weather. But we know better, and so everyone does their best to suck it all up, just in case. On Saturday it was not *that* warm, yet people were out in their sandals and shorts. I was talking to an Argentinian friend yesterday about how the weather does change the personality of people, how maybe that's the reason people of northern latitudes seem quieter, more structured. We really are animals... connected and dependant on nature. How was your weekend?   


  1. Je hebt helemaal gelijk, alles voelt anders als de zon schijnt! Haha en Nederlanders gaan inderdaad nogal bloot naar buiten zodra er ook maar een klein beetje zon is :) Frankrijk was hartstikke leuk dus ik heb me heel goed vermaakt dit weekend :D


    1. Oh Frankrijk :)
      Ik hoop dat de goede weer blijft een beetje!

  2. Oh I am so so happy for the sun here! After a whole day of lying in it, I'm just a little too pink but not complaining. It really does change spirits, I am sure of it. The warmth warms up hearts and souls :)

    1. Exactly, "hearts and souls". How lucky to be lying in the sun :) Enjoy!

  3. Mi weekend pasó de largo! Entre piscina y oficina!

    Yo como que me voy a conseguir un par de trabajos invernales para aprovechar los días veraniegos, eh?

    El otro día que estuve en Amsterdam con mi tía (en las fotos del blog podrás ver), habían unos lekker 19 grados, y los amsterdeños lo único que les faltaba era bailar conga!

    Besos! Espero que pases tu cumple chévere. Lastima no poder acompañarles, pero ni al sol le he hecho reverencias! :'(


    1. Jaja exacto, y este fin de semana en Rotterdam con el festival caribeño, parecía Rio de Janeiro (bueno, no del todo, pero sí en espiritu).

      Muchísimas gracias :) Ya nos veremos en otra ocasión, te debo un pastel!

  4. I love the way people change when the sky is blue and the sun in shining. The first good day in Moscow after winter felt like the city was full of a new set of happier, smilier people!

    1. Oh wow, in Moscow, give how cold it gets, it must be quite the celebration. And it really does seem like there's a new set of happier people!


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