
Friday, March 1, 2013

Countdown to Spring.

 I am loving this year. There is so much going on: having some kind of rough schedule / goals for each month and actively focusing on being aware of the little gems of everyday is really working. Do you realize that as of today, we only have to wait 20 days for Spring? I can already smell it, in fact it is all over the place. The days are longer, there is light in the morning and when the boy comes home, there are flowers in bloom here and there and you can already get tulips.

  February flied away. I have been busy with a soon-not-to-be-secret project which I am very excited about, I had a job interview (but I am not getting my hopes up just yet as the competition is very harsh, that, I know), we celebrated the arrival of the year of the Snake (Dim sums at home anyone), which was also an excuse to clean and organize my closet and realize I really needed new shoes. Then I discovered all about Lupercalia, we saw friends pretty much every weekend, we started salsa lessons… Looking back it was quite a full month no wonder it felt fast (to be accurate it’s also a short month).

 And there is more. Today we will babysit our favorite kids in the World (but we will certainly miss their baby sister). I am planning on baking banana muffins with them; yesterday I was literally dancing around when my Oscar-special gossip was delivered straight in the mailbox. I found some delicious (and throat soothing) Swiss candy that reminds me of old times, I had a pretty fabric arrive in a perfectly packaged bundle (thanks Sol) and I started reading a new book (that I had been wanting to read for a long time and found serendipitously  for 2 GBP at a British Red Cross shop while in London.) What are you up to? Do you have plans for the weekend? Any exciting projects? Or just chilling in the couch with a movie is your plan?


  1. Wat fijn om zo'n heerlijke positieve boost post (is dat een correcte woord combinatie, waarschijnlijk niet) te lezen. Ben gelijk even bij je vorige post gaan kijken en je kon het ook gebruiken denk ik. De maand maart begin ik met m'n verjaardag en een heerlijke wintersport vakantie in Zwitserland :D


    1. Alvast gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en veel plezier in Zwitserland. Vergeet niet om raclette, fondue, slagroom met frambozen en chocola te eten.

  2. Nice! Mugrón de banana yumi, con la primavera todo es mas lindo !el sol las flores yupiiiiii que tengas un lindo fin de semana.saludos

    1. Gracias ! Espero que tu fin también haya estado divertido. Y tienes razón, sol y flores y luz, traen alegría. Es increíble como dependemos del clima y de la luz, ahí te das cuenta que somos animales.

  3. We don't have anything too fancy planned for the weekend. I'm probably going to be making my favourite cheesecake (because everyone needs cheesecake) and then we've got some shopping plans. Other than that it's fairly low key.

    That fabric is gorgeous. Do you have plans for it that we'll be hearing about??

    1. Oh cheesecake is always welcome. And shopping can be fun right?
      Well, the fabric was supposed to be curtains, but it was kind of expensive to get the 6 yards we needed + shipping + taxes, so because we were in love with the pattern we still got it. I think it will be a quilt, but I will let my mome make that!

  4. Your February sounds great! I am also eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring - the temperatures here are slowly rising and that makes me happy already!

    I want to hear about how your salsa classes are going! Do you think you will write a post about that some day?

    Also, I read that Eating Animals book a few years ago... it affected me so much that I went vegetarian for a year after that (I couldn't keep up with it longer than that though...) But the book is definitely very powerful, I think you will enjoy reading it.

    1. Salsa lessons are going well, I am learning quite a bit (though I did know the basic steps from before), maybe I'll write about it :)

      What I like about Eating Animals is that he cites his sources, he did a lot of research (journalistic), he shows differents points of view and assesses the issue from philosophical grounds, but not in a preachy, radical way. I think it is counterproctive when green organizations exaggerate and make things so extreme and black and white, and for me, they lose credibility. But this book does not do that, so far I am liking it.

  5. I have quite a hectic weekend, a second hand sale tomorrow where I hope to get some things for my new business, I plan to convince Remus to go out for a meal and maybe a film and then on Sunday we go coppicing and then to lunch at the in-laws. Phew. I hope yours is lovely my dear.

    1. Oh wow, yeah, that's busy. But often busy equals packed with fun!
      I hope you had a nice time! Which movie did you see?

  6. Yes! Come on Spring!

  7. Funny. I just blogged about spring too. Here it comes...all around the world (or at least one hemisphere of it). Sounds like you've had a full and busy month. But thoroughly enjoyable.

    1. Yeah, February went quite fast. Spring is really making its way all around, so happy about it.

  8. Dat klinkt als een heerlijk dagje! Ben benieuwd naar die bananen muffin & de speciale Oscar Grazia.

    1. De bananen muffins zijn echt super lekker en ook super makkelijk te maken. Ze zijn nu al op omdat onze kleine logees ze hebben opgegeten en meegenomen:) Het recept is hier.


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