
Monday, April 9, 2012

Chai tea cupcakes with cinammon swiss meringue buttercream

I hope everyone had a happy Easter weekend, in whatever way you celebrate it. For me, baking is the best part of any holiday. And Chai Tea Latte has been my favorite warm drink ever since I discovered it. So when I saw this recipe I knew I had to try it. Of course I modified it a bit. I used milk instead of soy milk, to make it creamier. And instead of just adding the spices (cinammon, ginger, cardamom, clover) to the dry ingredients as the original recipe called, I infused the milk tea with a mix of spices called "Indian yogi" (if you are in Spain you can find it at Tea Shop.)
 I was a bit afraid of messing up with the swiss meringue buttercream, but after reading a few tutorials and watching this video (thanks Marcela) I just went for it. I do not own a candy thermometer, so I was really happy to learn there was a trick to know you are ready to start beating (rubbing the egg white - sugar mixture between your fingers until it feels smooth and all the sugar grains are melted). And wow that marshmallow, sticky texture. I think next time I want to stay there and just spread it over a pie or something . Also, if you try it, and like everyone said to me, do not be afraid when a short while after adding the butter it starts looking curdled. Keep mixing and it will come together. And in the end you will have an icing with a soft, velvety, texture.Now I just have to learn to pipe the icing properly.


  1. Wow se ven deliciosos. Amo el chai y la canela, sin duda la receta perfecta.

    1. Lo tienes que intentar ! Yo tambien estoy obsesionada con la canela, todo sabe mas rico con ella !

  2. Estas amigas virtuales mias me hacen engordar con sus entradas dulceras!
    Creo que llamaré de nuevo a la Embajada para hacer una cita y tener una excusa para pasar por Den Haag!

    mmmmm... Lekker!

    1. Claro que si! El dia que quieras aqui tienes tu casa !!

  3. Felicitaciones! Has conquistado una frontera culinaria! :)
    Me encanta el chai, lo tomo todas las mañanas, y esas cupcakes se ven de li cio sas! Bravo!

    1. Gracias ! Wow, chai todas las mañanas ... nosotros en ocasiones especiales ! Que ganas de juntarnos a comer pastel y charlar !

  4. I'll go against the status quo and comment in not Spanish. hehehe. So a) I'm currently drinking a chai latte. I just discovered chai a few weeks ago and I am beyond addicted and b) I'm so so so so so so so jealous of your kitchenaid. They cost well over $2000 USD here thanks to Argentina's draconian import restrictions.

    1. It is delicious isn't it ? I got "hooked" since I discovered it ! And wow, over 2000 USD ? Maybe you can get one over there and carry it as hand luggage all the way (I read it is possible)... at least the voltage in Argentina is the same , I think in the US there are some good discounts on them !

  5. Oh dear... over $2000 usd? Here I was thinking 600€ was too much!

    Oh, Amanda, so good to see you're having fun with your new toy! I bet the boy is not complaining at all. :) This recipe sounds so Delicious...

    1. :) Having fun for sure ! And no, he is not complaining haha!

  6. Yummy! Chai tea latte is a new discovery to me but love it and these look delicious. Though the icing does look a bit complicated. I suppose you want something light though and not really a cream cheese frosting either.

    1. I totally went crazy when I discovered chai teal latte as I always loved cinammon. I am guessing cheese cream frosting could be fine too, specially flavorwise, though the fluffy egg whites do make the icing "airy".


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