
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bedroom wars

Hello everyone. This post was written by the boy, a little bit like Kamel's Saturday edition at Lauren's blog. This will most likely not be a regular feature, but maybe now and then we'll get to hear M's voice. 

Ever since Amanda started her blog we joked about me starting my own blog.  I even had a title and everything "the daily struggles of a perfect husband". But it turns out I don't have that many struggles and maybe (just maybe ) the title was a bit much. So instead of creating my own blog or even blogging regularly  like Kamel does I decided to just make this one post for now.

It started the first day Amanda and I slept in the same bed. As you guys know Amanda used to live in Barcelona and in her apartment she had a single bed. Which is quite nice, who doesn't want to spend their first night together in a cozy bed. The apartment had terrible insulation it was freezing cold that night, but Amanda had several layers of blankets to keep us warm during the night. So imagine  my surprise  when during the night I was cold. This was strange I was in a small bed with the girl I loved and had several layers of blankets on top of me, how could I be cold? But surprise surprise the blankets were gone. Turns out my GF was a blanket stealer. Imagine the shock my GF a criminal.

I didn't dare to steal them back, not on our first night, so I laid there cold taking every bit of blanket that was available. Heh maybe this was just a one night thing right?? Wrong.

So now every night Amanda and I are fighting a war in our bed. She steals my part of the blanket I take it back by "force". We could simply use separate blankets, but we want to feel like we are sleeping together and we kinda like our little war. So now I wanna know. Do you have any struggles as a perfect husband/wife?


  1. Hahah that's hilarious. I'm a blanket stealer, too :)
    Thankfully my boyfriend needs a lot less blankets than I do.

    1. But how does that work then? I don't need a lot of blanket either, but at the very least I would like every part of my body to be covered.

  2. Hahahaha! Things we have tried or are considering trying to remedy a similar problem:

    1) Have separate blankets on the initial layer, but then layer bigger blankets on top of them so that we still feel like we are sleeping together. This did not really work out because by the morning there was just a mess of blankets (half in the middle of the bed, and some on the floor).

    2) Get a blanket that is bigger than the size of the bed. For instance, for a queen size bed, get a king size blanket. I think this one has a better chance of working out.

    Good luck! Of course, you can always turn the thermostat up!

    1. Thank you for the suggestions, but we have already tried those more or less and our problems were:

      1) The more blankets you have the more likely a part of your body is not covered. So you wake up in the middle of the night struggling to get the blankets properly again.

      2) More blanket goes to the the blanket thief in our bed ;)

      3) We get warm.

      But heh there is hope for peace. Last night no blankets were stolen.

  3. I confess. I'm totally guilty of this too. There's no cure. It's a life long infliction. Living in a warm climate helps though....

    1. That is a good suggestion even apart from the whole blanket "problem". We have plans to move the a warmer country either in Europe or somewhere else.

      The only problem is that even in the tropics I need to have something covering me.

  4. Our son moves to our bed at night and he is the blanket stealer (we call him "Cinderello" because we suspect his bed turns into a pumpkin at midnight and he needs to come to ours ;)

    1. Hahaha Cinderello :) This is so sweet it keeps me smiling!

  5. jajajaja mi marido seguro tomará la idea!!! siempre lo descobijo así :) Saludos!

  6. Blanket was never a problem with us... But the two mattresses instead of a big one was really really bugging me when I came to live with him. I always ended up in the middle of the bed inserted in the hole.
    I always asked him to buy a new complete mattress but he always said that sleeping closed to each other was just a period of our new life together and that was just for a pair of months.
    Finally I won and he bought a new mattress... It's been already 15 months and we still sleep closed to each other. There is no better blanket for ons that our corporal heat!


    1. Oh yeah, the whole between two mattresses is the worst ! I am glad you won and got a new mattress :) And being close to each other is the best.


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