
Friday, February 10, 2012

A special day

Today is kind of our anniversary. On a day like this, 4 years ago, the boy came to see me in Barcelona for the first time after our meeting in the airplane. And 2 years ago, he proposed. On a Wednesday morning, during our morning cuddles.
So yes, it is a special day. And it is gonna be a crazy day: laundry, packing  for the beach next week (oh yeah), cleaning the crystal containers for the dessert table, delivering the last "welcome packs" for our out-of-town guests, and making sure my sister is relaxed, all the last minute errands are taken care of.


  1. ¡¡Felicidades!! Queremos playa...

    1. Graciaaas ! Te mandare un poco de sol ! Sabes, es la primera vez que se congelan los canales en Holanda desde hace muuchos tiempo creo que desde que Mark tenia unos 12 , y ahora al fin sucedio, y nos lo estamos perdiendo... oops.

  2. Oh! Happy anniversary! [late, I know... And happy valentines day, by the way! ;)]
    Our relationship also started in 2008 :)

    1. Thanks ! Happy belated Valentine's day too ! Funny that you also started dating in 2008 !


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