
Friday, February 3, 2012

Snippets of Mexico

So, I am still a little bit jet lagged, but overjoyed for being close to my family and friends. We have been running errands, catching up with delicious Mexican food and so on. But I think of you and I thought I would let you get a glimpse of what we've been up to.
Delicious Sweet bread, I ate a "concha", the white round ones.
The boy pretending to be a cute Panda :p
Blue hair and Strawberry shortcake dreams come true. Yay more photobooth props.
A view of my lovely city.
This is the line for the tamales, on the 2 of February, Candelaria, national tamale eating day...
It is a holiday that represents the day Baby Jesus was brought to the temple. Oh and that is a tamale. Green are better but they sold out...


  1. It's so nice to be with family, isn't it? Sounds like you are in your own element!

    Also, can you please eat a churro for me? That's one thing I miss about living in San Diego - driving to Mexico and eating delicious churros...

    1. Oh churros, definitely I will have one of those for you :p gonna have to sacrifice a bit hah.

  2. Qué lindo! Muestranos muchas fotos, si? Qué ganas de conocer tu pais!

  3. Dear Amanda! So good to see you so happy!!
    Time flies out of my fingers lately... but I've been following your posts, even if not saying much.
    I just wanna wish all happiness to your little sister!
    And have fun in the meantime!

    1. Thanks so much Ines ! I was wondering about you , but so glad you are doing well, even if you are busy . Take care and try to rest a bit !


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