
Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh look,

what the Sint left under our Christmas tree tropical plant.

Fondant  / cookie moulds and a "buttercream spreader" or whatever the proper name for that sort-of spatula is.

Update: a box from Mexico arrived for us today. Nothing makes me happier than old-fashioned post in cardboard, oh and handwritten letters.


  1. @ zarawitta, ;) es que no me "dejan" poner el arbol hasta despues del 15 (el cumple de Mark) porque es medio ante lirigotes y decoraciones. Pero ahora ya tenemos botas !

  2. Your baking / cake making skills never seize to amaze me. And yay! more colorful things arrived from Mexico! That tablecloth looks so festive. :)

  3. @Anna... well we'll see if I manage to make something that pretty, but it sure inspires me.
    And yeah, the hand-made patchwork tablecloth is so pretty, and I am so proud because my mom made it ;)

  4. Handwritten letters are the next best thing (after cuddles from loves ones), I think.

    The table cloth looks like a quilt, by the way. Am I seeing that right? Quilts are awesome!

  5. @ thesmittenimmigrant, yes it is a quilt, made of the apples are handcut , the ants are made of pieces of cloth as well as all the squares that make up the trees.

  6. Am I the only one noticing Sint's interest behind those offers? You have no way out but bake him something... :)

  7. @ Ines, oh yeah I totally see the interest , specially since a certain birthday is coming up next week, perfect timing you would think.

  8. ooooohhhhhh! Que bello ese manteeeeel!
    Felíz Navidad!

  9. @ Ley, graciaas. Y Feliz Navidad igualmente !

  10. YAY!!! Everything about this is so happy. And care packages are the BEST.

  11. @ Lauren, happy happy :) And just got my holidays approved yay, !

  12. That quilt is just gorgeous. I love quilts - they seem so cheerful.

  13. @ LPC, thanks. I am gonna tell my mom,how much everybody likes it. We definitely love it, so pretty and happy.


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