
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The map.

It arrived. And now it's framed and hanging above our beloved green couch. It makes us want to travel. Let us never forget that we want to see the world. We have decided to start The New Year with a list of places that we want to visit together. For now the list includes Japan,Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodge,  Prague, London (we never went together and we both love it there), Greece (have to see the palace of Knossos in Creta), the whole South of Spain including Tenerife, Taiwan, Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Croatia, somewhere up in Scandinavia to see the Northern lights, Jordan, every little corner of la France, Luxembourg, Turkey, Hungary, Indonesia, Portugal, Morocco, Cyprus....

I love our huge map because guess what, it has a plastic coating and we can write on it !
 And it is so big. Also, the projections are made in such a way to reflect the "real" size of countries in proportion to the rest. Have you seen how big Africa and India are? We got it from Future Maps, and it is so so pretty. I can't seem to stop looking at it. Now we have to do some real plan, as in divide all those places in lists, see which of them are doable in short-trips, and for which we have to save and schedule ahead. Oh we are so excited.
Oh and because you read through all of this I leave you with one of my favorite videos ever:


  1. You can take a flight to Larnaca from Brussels with Ryanair...just saying ;)

  2. That video is hilarious!!
    We love maps the same way we love travels. :) Last summer we bought an europe road atlas and started to mark all places we've been to together and drawing our travels. Also, we got a notebook and started making lists of the places we wanted to go, and things we want to do.

    We kind of think alike, don't we? :)

  3. Genialllll, amo a los Animaniacs, recuerdo bien el video, me hizo pensar en el año ya que NLE dijo de inmediato "Checoeslovaquia" ya no existe jaja... El mundo cambia.

    Yo también quiero un mapa para tener presente recorrer el mundo.

  4. Oh I love that map! I like the idea of proportional sizes of countries. And it brings even more color into your house. :) Awesome!

  5. Eso!!! Con un Mondrian-mundi!
    Ya pues, que a quién no se le antonja viajar con un mapa en frente??? Vas a tener que conseguirle un compañero que te insite a trabajar, porque viaje sin real no hay! jejejejeej
    Fabuloso! Tan grande y tan pequeño, no?

  6. You should get those little pins with flags on top! Blue for you, Green for Him, Red for places you've been together, that kind of thing. I've always thought of doing that though, so maybe I'm just projecting? :)

  7. That map is gorgeous. The colours are fantastic. And I second Zan's idea of the coloured pins :)

  8. @ Marcela, written down the tip ;) Watch it, you'll have us there one day !

    @ Ines I loved that video as soon as I saw it years ago, and yup, great minds think alike ;p

    @ Zarawitta, jaja si, yo tambien note eso de Checoslovaquia, que fuerte, como va cambiando todo. Y si, que bonitos son los mapas. Tambien quiero hacer una coleccion de planos del metro de la mayor cantidad de paises posible.

    @ Anna , thanks, we saw the different "projections" these maps had and fell in love, no more looking. Also we first looked at antique maps, but you can imagine the price tag...

    @ Ley, exacto, tan grande y tan pequeño. Y definitivamente tenemos una especie de ahorros para los viajes y bueno tambien nos gusta viajar en plan economico,no llegar a lujosos hoteles, sino conocer la vida del dia a dia del pais a donde vamos.

    @ Zan, yeah, we totally want to do the little flag thing, what we don't know know is if we should get little stickers, pins or just write on it (since it is wipe off).

    @ smittenimmigrant Thanks, yeah colors all the way. And, yeah, pins (or something)

  9. I'll be waiting for you with something yummy, I promise :)

  10. Gorgeous map. I hate the ones where Africa and South America look soo tiny that it seems someone was just trying to make Europe look more powerful.
    p.s. thanks for the interesting comment on my "no sugar" post.

  11. @ iripple, yeah we loved that this map had the real proportions. Also the same company has some interesting UK and London maps. And good luck with the no sugar resolution, it would be very hard for me...

  12. Love it! We really need to get ours framed! Xox


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