
Monday, July 25, 2011

Where is the summer?

Oh, the lovely dutch weather. Even when the temperatures indicate 14 °C, because of the wind, the feeling is more like 11 °C. And with rain. That means that when you walk outside you get hit with rain in your face from every direction and your umbrella will most probably get broken.

But let's be grateful and not forget that it is this weather that makes the landscape so green and pretty.

Instead of complaining a girl can choose to dream. Dream of going to warm places, swimming, chilling and being impressed by nature. Do you know Boobie birds? Their feet are the most amazing shade of skyblue, and the brighter they are, the healthier the bird is. This is very useful when choosing a mate. You can read more about them here (and I strongly recommend you click on that link, Mudfooted is a great place).

These birds only live in the Galapagos and some other Pacific islands (among which the "Marietas" in Mexico).We were so lucky to meet them during our honeymoon. I was so amazed that we could get so close to them. As you approach, they will threaten you but they won't actually attack you (unlike geese or swan who woudn't think twice before biting you if you were that close to their precious eggs. It was after all geese that defended Rome from the Gauls in the Temple of Juno in 390 BC, but I digress).

We were also able to spot some humpback whales. Famous for their singing (that they actually learn through cultural transmission*) and for the long distances they travel, up to 25,000 km (16,000 mi). They come every year, all the way from the North Atlantic, from as far as Iceland. I felt so lucky and so blessed, this was one of my dreams ever since childhood. At some point I wanted to be a marine biologist, too. It was definitely a magical experience.

*Garland, E., Goldizen, A., Rekdahl, M., Constantine, R., Garrigue, C., Hauser, N., Poole, M., Robbins, J., & Noad, M. (2011). Dynamic Horizontal Cultural Transmission of Humpback Whale Song at the Ocean Basin Scale Current Biology DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.03.019


  1. Qué lindo! A donde fueron de luna de miel?
    Sobre el clima, tu verano no es verano y yo estoy cansada de tener clima cálido todo año. Acá lo que no hay es invierno, solo un otoño suave y la primavera dura un mes. Si en Holanda dicen "last year Summer was on a Tuesday", acá decimos "Last year Winter never came" ;)

  2. Hola! Estuvimos en Mexico, combinando con visitar a la familia. Pero la luna de miel en si fue una especie de "road trip" por la costa Oeste de Mexico, el recorrido fue Guadalajara-Colima-Manzanillo-Tenacatita-Puerto Vallarta-Punta Mita-Guadalajara. Las fotos son en las Islas Marieta, se llega tomando un ferry desde Puerto Vallarta o Punta Mita. Y si, el clima esta loco. Cuando quieras un poco de frio nos visitas :) Yo no se que hacer con todos mis vestidos, me los puedo poner 4 veces al anyo.

  3. hi, just popped over from a safe mooring as i saw you have a world map on your lust list- i got my husband a fantastic framed personalised one from a website called and you can stick pins in places you've each been both separately and together which satisfies the geeky traveller in both of us!

  4. @ Pointy Pix ! Thanks I will ckeck it out, we wanted to do exactly that (stick pins) .

  5. Mas o menos como yo con mi tapado jajaja. Para los vestidos, por qué no adoptas un look romantico y los usas con sweaters/cardigans arriba?


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