
Saturday, January 20, 2018

A My Little Pony birthday party

I cant' believe my little girl is already 4. She is starting official school next week. This week has been an emotional one, full with festivities and goodbye parties: at ballet lesson, at her beloved daycare, with her friends and at home. She has changed so much in the last year. I feel when she was 3 there was still some baby left in her and this year she just -shook it all off. She became a girl in full. The conversations that she has, the way she loves to dance, how she expresses her strong opinions.

This year she requested a My Little Pony birthday party. I love that they are back in fashion because I loved them so much as a little girl. We even brought a couple of ponys that I used to play with to use in her buffet table as decoration.I just set a table full of snacks: rainbow fruit-skewers; mozzarella-basil-cherry tomato snacks; crackers; hummus, baba-ganoush and tzatziki; Dutch cheese squares; ham and cheese and cucumber and cream-cheese sandwiches; fuet, serrano ham and other cold meat cuts and an assortment of cut veggies.

I went all out with a cake, this time it had 3 tiers, the bottom and the top one were chocolate-raspberry and the middle one was rainbow cake with colorful sprinkles. I had been wanting to make one for so long, my dear friend Marcela gave me the tip and I invested in this set of pans which make the task a lot easier. The cake came out pretty high with the recipe for 1 cake. I covered it in sprinkles using those tutorials that have been going around for a while. I also made lemon-raspberry cupcakes with a gummy rainbow on top.

We ordered the piñata from Little Wing Piñata Atelier. Viri is an artist and she didn't disappoint. She is now delivering to all of Europe so really, contact her, she can make any character you want and has already made most of the popular characters for children (Cars, Paw Patrol, Angry Birds, etc). The amazingly crafty Marcia from Handmade with Love is also pretty good and has you covered for any and all of your party needs (favors, piñatas, decorations, cake, cookies, snacks).

 I set a table with coloring pages that I downloaded here with some colors, crayons, tempera, markers  and other art supplies and they were a huge success. We also played "pin the tail on Rainbow Dash" and it was fun.

I printed these masks in cardboard for the kids to take home, hopefully they liked them (a big shout out and thank you to Courtney from I watch them grow who kindly made them available to download). As favors I made Mexican-mosaic gelatin (recipe coming later): a dessert made of colorful squares of Jello inside a sweet milk gelatin. We gave them in Little Pony glasses that can be reused at home.

I think the kids really enjoyed the day, as much as my girl did and I dare say the parents. It was so lovely to have friends and family on such a special day and I am beyond grateful to have been able to build this community around our girls.